Let me count the ways.
She kisses your face,
Gives hugs to last forever,
I love my Nana.
How do I love my Nana?
Let me count the ways.
She shows her love,
And works hard towards her goals,
I love my Nana.
How do I love my Nana?
Let me count the ways.
She smiles and laughs,
And has a good time,
I love my Nana.
How do I love my Nana?
Let me count the ways.
She listens to her children and grandchildren,
Celebrates our acompishments from an A+ to winning a spelling bee.
I love my Nana.
What do I know about my Nana?
Let me tell you the ways.
She is talking and walking,
Eating her dinner,
Being brave for her shots,
Holding her loved ones,
Coming home around Christmas,
And feeling much better.
We love our Nana!
By Lauren Green
Anyone who loves Nana, feel happy, she will return soon! If YOU are Nana, We love you vey much! I would have made the poem longer, but I'm tired. It could go on forever, we all love you to the ends of the earth, past the moons, the planets, and eternity. AND BACK AGAIN A MILLION TIMES. Dear Nana, you are an angel sent down from heaven. We love you Nana!
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